Gaurko irratsaioaren ardatz nagusia munduko kultur aniztasuna izan da eta gure eskolara Gotzone, Omar eta Mohamed etorri zaizkigu. Oso gustura egon gara beraiekin berriketan, Marokoko jolasak ezagutzen eta bertako janaria dastatzen. Mila esker hiruroi denon partetik.
Amaia, Lander, Nahia, Jone, Peru C., Jakes, Aiert eta Izarok prestatu dugu. Polita atera zaigu eta beheko estekan duzue entzungai.
Amaia, Lander, Nahia, Jone, Peru C., Jakes, Aiert eta Izarok prestatu dugu. Polita atera zaigu eta beheko estekan duzue entzungai.
Very interesting and very good.
ErantzunEzabatuThanks Gotzone, Mohamed and Omar for coming to our school and telling us your story. We had fun. Kisses !!. Thanks to Joyce because we're going to miss you.
ErantzunEzabatuWe had fun with Mohamed and Omar, thank you very much for coming to our school.
ErantzunEzabatuVery interesting.
ErantzunEzabatuGood job and good work!
I think is very interesting.
ErantzunEzabatuI think is very intesting.
ErantzunEzabatuCongratulations, good work.
The radio show was very nice. We learned a lot with the radio. We enjoyed playing with Omar and Mohamed a lot. Thanks to Omar, Mohamed and Gotzone for coming.
ErantzunEzabatuThank you Gotzone, Omar and Mohammed for coming to Berritsu radio!!
ErantzunEzabatuA ze saio polita: elkarrizketa bikaina, interesgarria, hunkigarria...abeslari artistak eta ausartak, esatari fenomenoak.Joyce, nice to meet you, good luck in all your projects! Zorionak guztioi eta eskerrik asko.
ErantzunEzabatuOso polita izan zen berritsu irratia