I love the clown fish! If you want some information about it, please play this video. I hope you like it!!!
This video is the (making-of). Thanks Summer for helping me with the pronuntiation!!!
Ongi etorri 2024/2025 ikasturte berrira! Oporrak ondo dsfrutatu ondoren, hemen gaude berriz ere bueltan ikasturte honek ekarriko dizkigun sorpresaz gozatzeko. Ikusten duzuenez, irakasle berriak daude. Hauek ere ilusio haundiarekin etorri dira Adunara, goazen denon artean gure famili txiki haundi hon etara ongietorri goxo eta polit bat egitera!
Hello I am iker and I think the presentation is very good congratulationslorea.
ErantzunEzabatuI´m Andoni and I think the presentation of Lorea is very good and I’m going to congratulation.
It’s fantastic; you are the best. Congratulation for your work!
ErantzunEzabatuI´m Unai and I think that Lorea’s presentation is marvelous, brilliant, astonishing and very very good.
This presentation is astonishing!!!
ErantzunEzabatuYes, it´s wonderful.