Saltatu eta joan eduki nagusira

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty is in Liberty Island in Manhattan New York City.
It was inaugurated on October 28, 1886.
It was built by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi.
It is 93 meters high from ground level to torch.
It is one of the most famous monuments in New York.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French.
Statue of Liberty is taller than Aduna church.
By: Ibai


  1. Good comparison!!! and do you know how much taller is the Statue of Liberty than the Aduna church???

    1. Thank you Aintzane for the question you made. We are working architecture, comparative and superlative sentences and it was grate to work in the class the answer!!!

    2. You´re welcome.
      I´m glad.

  2. Aduna church is 20 meters high. Then Statue of Liberty is 73 meters taller than Aduna church.

  3. Statue of Liberty is 73 meters high than Aduna church.

  4. Aduna church is 20m high. Then,Statue of Liberty is 93m high, Statue of Liberty is 73m taller than Aduna church.

  5. The Statue of Liberty is 73 meters taller than Aduna church .
    Aduna church is 20 meters high and Statue of Liberty is 93 meters high.

  6. The Aduna church is 73 meters shorter than Statue of Liberty.
    Aduna church is 20 meters high and the Statue of Liberty is 93 meters high.

  7. Aduna church is 20 meters high and Statue of Liberty is 93 meters high. So, Statue of liberty is 73 meters taller than Aduna church.-

  8. The Aduna church is 20 meters high and the Statue of Liberty is 93 meters high. Then, the Statue of Liberty is 73 meters higher than Aduna church.

  9. Aduna church is 20 meters high.
    Then, Statue of Liberty is 73meters taller than Aduna church.

  10. Aduna church is 20 meters. Then, Statue of Liberty is 73 meters higher than Aduna church.

  11. I didn´t think the difference was so high. Thanks for answering so fast.


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