Ongi etorri 2024/2025 ikasturte berrira! Oporrak ondo dsfrutatu ondoren, hemen gaude berriz ere bueltan ikasturte honek ekarriko dizkigun sorpresaz gozatzeko. Ikusten duzuenez, irakasle berriak daude. Hauek ere ilusio haundiarekin etorri dira Adunara, goazen denon artean gure famili txiki haundi hon etara ongietorri goxo eta polit bat egitera!
The schetch is very funny. Congratulations to all actors and actresses, we enjoyed it very much.
ErantzunEzabatuThe schetch is very fuun
ErantzunEzabatuThe schetch is very interesting and funny.
ErantzunEzabatuvery goood
ErantzunEzabatuveri well adunantxo class
ErantzunEzabatuVery good schetch, grandma watch out
ErantzunEzabatuvery good sketch
ErantzunEzabatuVery good theater and congratulations.
ErantzunEzabatuWe enjoyed a lot recording the!! Thank you all for the comments.
ErantzunEzabatuVery good!! The theater is very ridiculous!!!
ErantzunEzabatuWe did it very well, and I had a great time, we laughed a lot.
ErantzunEzabatuGood wark
ErantzunEzabatuVery interesting
ErantzunEzabatuVery good schetch
ErantzunEzabatuVery good, congratulations and very funny outtakes shots (tomas falsas).
ErantzunEzabatuVery interesting sketch
ErantzunEzabatuI like your scheth, It is very interesting!!!
Very good i like it
ErantzunEzabatuOso polita
ErantzunEzabatuberi gool