The Penguins have told a story in English about animals and what they do. They created masks to represent each animal and described their actions. It starts with a narrator and ends with a person wiggling his toes, enjoy it!
Ongi etorri 2024/2025 ikasturte berrira! Oporrak ondo dsfrutatu ondoren, hemen gaude berriz ere bueltan ikasturte honek ekarriko dizkigun sorpresaz gozatzeko. Ikusten duzuenez, irakasle berriak daude. Hauek ere ilusio haundiarekin etorri dira Adunara, goazen denon artean gure famili txiki haundi hon etara ongietorri goxo eta polit bat egitera!
good preceseison
ErantzunEzabatuVery good pronunciaton
ErantzunEzabatuI enjoyed watching the au theater, thank you for spending the moment on the page
ErantzunEzabatugood preceseison
ErantzunEzabatugood produciension, pinguins
ErantzunEzabatuA very nice story
ErantzunEzabatuYou did it very well! Congratulations!