We celebrated the end of year party. The performances were spectacular. We had a fabulous time creating them and performing. Let's see if you like!!! Thanks to parents, teachers and students for their cooperation.
Ongi etorri 2024/2025 ikasturte berrira! Oporrak ondo dsfrutatu ondoren, hemen gaude berriz ere bueltan ikasturte honek ekarriko dizkigun sorpresaz gozatzeko. Ikusten duzuenez, irakasle berriak daude. Hauek ere ilusio haundiarekin etorri dira Adunara, goazen denon artean gure famili txiki haundi hon etara ongietorri goxo eta polit bat egitera!
We had a great time because the performances were really funny.Congratulations!!! you made a very good job; go on workin like that in the next year.
ErantzunEzabatuIñaki is the best english teacher.